The handbag with ground color and tough quality, without too much accessories, is suitable for any kind of matching. Because of its neutral character, it becomes a kind of handbag for convenient matching, which makes it the necessity in wardrobe. The designer, Sun Yan, described the handbag trend of this month like this: "The neutral trend fashionable in 70s and 80s in last century comes to us again. The point is designers utilize the neutral element in the handbag design skillfully."
The handbags double functional for men and women use has an obvious characteristic. Most of them give you a fell of enough hardware, handsome, personal and cool. No matter they are pursuing the stars, or mad at fashion or just for the practical use of the handbag, more and more people are becoming the fans of the neutral handbag.
The fashion trend of the neutral handbag originates from the neutral trend of the dress. Seen from the models to the celebrity in fashion circle, feminine fashionistas use neutral dressing to show that they are handsome, wild and frank when they are showing the beauty of women. The masculine fashion is more severe. The designers are inserting the femininity to men's dressing, making the previous dress of men's style have the inner beauty. After a short separation from us, the neutral trend comes to us gorgeously in this spring.
Therefore, the suit for white-collar becomes fashion again. Meanwhile, the colorful dress of men style reappears on the stage. It is under such circumstance, the neutral handbag comes after. Many people dare not try the neutral dresses coming up in the fashion front. However, if it is changed to handbag, I believe most people are willing to bet the first of trying. It is also a try for fashion. Most of women play an important role in working career, which is also the reason for the fashion trend of the neutral handbag. Internal or abroad, the neutral handbag can be easily seen in the street.
The most important point of neutral handbag is with good-looking appearance and practical usage. The handbags coming up in spring and summer go two terminal routines. They are ultimate large or ultimate small. In the ended New York Fashion Week, the fashionable large bags, the quick seller for its large size and practical use, are substituted by luxurious brands. The proper design shows its neutral character. Take the Gucci handbags of men's style for instance. Their colors and patterns are eye-catching. Bright red color can easily be found in Gucci men's handbags. Various kinds of flowers in tropic rain forest become the design element of the designers. Green and yellow colors with spring and summer breath are the main colors of men's handbags in spring and summer seasons. The brand manager of Gucci said: "The colorful design supposed to be used in women's handbags is popular with the many cool men. A lot of members said our new products have become the unique belongs for joining parties.
The concept of gender mixing is becoming popular. The fashion wind of neutral handbags lasts from the autumn and winter in 2008 to the spring and summer in 2009. The handbags with gender mixing gradually stand out from the crowd, becoming the design focus of the luxurious brands in this season. The leather handbag touches soft with fashionable and casual taste of the noble. This kind of neutral handbag can be handsome for boys and sweet for girls.
By Jane Ye
The handbags double functional for men and women use has an obvious characteristic. Most of them give you a fell of enough hardware, handsome, personal and cool. No matter they are pursuing the stars, or mad at fashion or just for the practical use of the handbag, more and more people are becoming the fans of the neutral handbag.
The fashion trend of the neutral handbag originates from the neutral trend of the dress. Seen from the models to the celebrity in fashion circle, feminine fashionistas use neutral dressing to show that they are handsome, wild and frank when they are showing the beauty of women. The masculine fashion is more severe. The designers are inserting the femininity to men's dressing, making the previous dress of men's style have the inner beauty. After a short separation from us, the neutral trend comes to us gorgeously in this spring.
Therefore, the suit for white-collar becomes fashion again. Meanwhile, the colorful dress of men style reappears on the stage. It is under such circumstance, the neutral handbag comes after. Many people dare not try the neutral dresses coming up in the fashion front. However, if it is changed to handbag, I believe most people are willing to bet the first of trying. It is also a try for fashion. Most of women play an important role in working career, which is also the reason for the fashion trend of the neutral handbag. Internal or abroad, the neutral handbag can be easily seen in the street.
The most important point of neutral handbag is with good-looking appearance and practical usage. The handbags coming up in spring and summer go two terminal routines. They are ultimate large or ultimate small. In the ended New York Fashion Week, the fashionable large bags, the quick seller for its large size and practical use, are substituted by luxurious brands. The proper design shows its neutral character. Take the Gucci handbags of men's style for instance. Their colors and patterns are eye-catching. Bright red color can easily be found in Gucci men's handbags. Various kinds of flowers in tropic rain forest become the design element of the designers. Green and yellow colors with spring and summer breath are the main colors of men's handbags in spring and summer seasons. The brand manager of Gucci said: "The colorful design supposed to be used in women's handbags is popular with the many cool men. A lot of members said our new products have become the unique belongs for joining parties.
The concept of gender mixing is becoming popular. The fashion wind of neutral handbags lasts from the autumn and winter in 2008 to the spring and summer in 2009. The handbags with gender mixing gradually stand out from the crowd, becoming the design focus of the luxurious brands in this season. The leather handbag touches soft with fashionable and casual taste of the noble. This kind of neutral handbag can be handsome for boys and sweet for girls.
By Jane Ye
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