Myth: "Heels are bad for your feet, ballet pumps are good"
A specialist Podiatrist, comments: "Flats are not necessarily good for your feet and some flats can actually be bad for your feet. Young women in their teens and twenties don't tend to wear high heels too much. But younger women who wear pumps and flip-flops don't realise that these types of shoe cause problems too.
The main problem with flat shoes, such as ballet pumps, is that the soles are often as thin as cardboard, so there is nothing to absorb stress as the foot hits hard pavements.
I see women with foot pain who say - 'Why do my feet hurt? I always change from my heels to my flats when I walk to and from the office'. But pumps provide no cushion for heel contact and no support to prevent the arch from rolling in. Women who wear ballet pumps very frequently can risk joint inflammation and the development of metatarsalgia and plantar fasciitis"
Possible Foot Problems
* Joint inflammation
* Metatarsalgia: this means pain in the ball of the forefoot. Pain is commonly on the sole of the foot and often sharp, described as similar to walking on pebbles or like having a stone in the shoe
* Plantar Fasciitis: this is a painful condition caused by inflammation in the heel and/or arch of the foot
"Women like ballet pumps and we are not suggesting that they stop wearing them. Look for a pump with an innersole that has some cushioning and at least has a small wide heel. Ballet pumps are okay for short periods of time, but they are not the right shoe to choose if you are going out shopping all day, or doing a lot of walking to and from work. A more structured shoe, like a pair of trainers would be much more suitable if you are going to do a lot of walking, or T- Bar style shoe with some mid foot instep support if you need to look a little smarter."
Myth: "There is nothing wrong with wearing flip-flops all summer"
"A lot of girls wear flip-flops all summer. We all recognise that it's not a good idea to wear high heels all the time, but we are less aware of problems with flat footwear.
Your toes are working hard to pull up the flip-flop as you walk, literally crunching your toes up into a claw and this can lead to a painful condition called claw toe. You also have to work to remain stable whilst walking.
Possible Foot Problems
* Claw toe
* Tendon problems
* Injuries from falls
"Flip-flops are for the beach and around the pool - that is what they are designed for. They shouldn't be worn for a long period of time or if you are likely to be walking more than a short distance."
Myth: "You can't buy a pair of fashionable good shoes"
"It is difficult finding what I would describe as a good pair of shoes. Of course women want shoes which look good. But if you take the basic structure of a good shoe, it is always possible to include some fashionable features too."
Good Shoe Essentials
* Go for a nice chunky heel, or wedge, no more than one-and-a-half inches high
* The back part of the shoe which cushions your ankle should be stiff. The back of many shoes is too soft, allowing your ankle to roll in as you walk
* A rubber sole is better than a leather one to prevent slips and falls and for shock absorption
* The 'toe box' should be deep enough for should fit the shape of your forefoot. If it is too low, cut around your toes, you will have to use your toes to claw up the shoe as you walk
* Laces across the top of the foot are fashionable and very effective in terms of keeping your foot stable and preventing a 'clawing' walking action
What difference will good shoes really make?
"Wearing good shoes will provide you with a lot of protection against a range of foot problems.
Bad shoes can exacerbate any underlying problems you may have in your gait or your foot."
Benefits of good shoes
* Protect the feet
* Provide foot stability
* Provide shock attenuation
* Provide shock attenuation
* Increase function
Rina Bimbashi is a Podiatrist at The London Foot and Ankle Centre, specialists in Podiatry including Biomechanical Assessment, Gait Analysis and Orthotics.
By Rina Bimbashi
Posted in
Debunking the Myths and Helpful Advice,
Fashion and Footwear

Many women have embraced men's ties and have made them a permanent part of their wardrobe. They are fun to wear and can add just the right finish to a particular look they are looking to achieve. However, a big downside to wearing today's neckwear is their length. There are ways to adjust how to knot a necktie to compensate for the fact they are long, but the finished knot often looks bad as a result. Vintage ties, on the other hand, are much shorter and are a great alternative.
Problems when Tying a Knot
Neckwear is often cut from 53 to 59 inches depending on the manufacturer, this making it too long for many women. One way women have dealt with this problem is to adjust the way they start a knot. By this I mean, when they wrap the thin end around their neck to start the knotting process, they pull the thin end down just a little further before they start to knot the tie in order for it to hang at their waist when it is fully tied. Otherwise it will hang too low. It takes at few attempts to know how far to hang the thin end before getting it right. The downside to doing this is that the place on the necktie where the knotting actually takes place is on a lower and wider part of the accessory. The resulting knots are bigger than intended because more fabric is used to create them, and they don't look as good as they could. They look too big. Of course one way to compensate for this is to choose a different knot, but the best way is to opt for vintage ties which are often shorter and to avoid the problem altogether.
Vintage neckwear from the 1920's, 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's is much shorter than today's counterparts. The length of those manufactured in the 1920's and 1930's ranges from 46 to 49 inches. Those of the 1940's are a touch longer. The skinny neckties from the 1950's and 1960's range from 50 to 56 inches, so they, too will work well, the added bonus being that by design they have much less fabric, so even if a person is working with one that is 55 inches long, the knot will still look good.
I would advise against ties made in the 1970s. They are close to today's length and very wide. There is simply too much fabric to have to contend with for them to look good, not to mention the fabric itself is often thick polyester. Those of the 1980's tapered back and are as skinny as the ones from the 50's, but some of the polyester and polyester blended fabric may still be too thick. It would be better to choose those made of rayon and silk when shopping from this era.
Variety of Patterns and Designs
Those women who want to enjoy patterns popular today, such as stripes, solids, paisleys, polka dots, and other foulard patterns need not worry, since vintage neckwear offers all of the above and more! Women interested in unique designs need look no further, because the world of vintage is filled with some of the most fabulous neckties whose designs haven't been replicated since.
Vintage ties are a perfect alternative because of their shorter length, which allows women to enjoy a good looking knot and a length which will drape down appropriately, without the need to make any unnecessary adjustments.
By Jackie D.
Posted in
A Fashionable and Practical Choice For Women,
Mens Vintage Ties

The modern man has a lot on his plate. The pressure to be good at everything can seem daunting and overwhelming. As if having a good job and raising well adjusted children wasn't tough enough, they then add emotionally stable, good listener and sensitive. Well time to add one more iron to the fire guys, the modern man needs to also be fashionable and well groomed. Gone are the days where a guy need only look to his fellow man for fashion protocol. I will try and help identify just a handful of common mistakes we as men make in an attempt to prevent you from being the butt of jokes.
Grooming Issues
Outdated hair style- A common mistake guys make is keeping a hair style long past when it was "cool". So you have a great new cut that you think looks wonderful on you, that may be true, but that was back in 1985. Time to try something new.
Not sure where to start? Go to a salon (not one of those drive through hair cutting places that charge $12.95). Set an appointment and ask them for their advice. Let them work their magic. They are experts and will take into consideration your needs and wants when determining a style suited best for you.
Comb over/ Toupee's- The sad reality is that some of us will indeed go bald. The absolute worse thing you can do is to try and hide it. The only person you are fooling is yourself. Good news!! Bald is in. So retire the rug and go short. You may want to add some subtle facial hair in order to add depth and interest to your face. Updating your eye wear will also be a great addition to your new look. Choose frames that suit your face and coloring. Stay away from frameless rims for this will not do anything as far as style and image goes.
Facial Hair- Keep it trimmed and neat. No one wants to kiss someone only to get a mouthful of whiskers. Invest in a good quality facial hair grooming tool. This will allow you to always fresh and kept.
Ear and Nose Hair- Just because you can't see it when you look in the mirror, doesn't mean it isn't a problem. Invest in a good pair of trimmers and use them weekly.
Cologne- As with any style that comes, it also goes. Scent is no different. Yes, Drakar does smell good. However, if you are still wearing it you need to run to the nearest department store and get some help. Remember that 3 to 4 sprays are sufficient, don't bathe in it or you may run the risk of be offensive. To much of a good thing can be just as off putting as bad body odor.
Teeth and Breath- You may not have perfect teeth. However, keep the ones you have clean. Everyone can name someone they know who has incredibly bad breath. Don't be that person. Brush, floss and use gum or mints if you aren't sure.
Hands and Feet- Take the time to trim your nails and cuticles. If you wear open toed anything, this is even more important. 9 out of 10 men list feet as important on the female attraction scale. It is no different for women. Take the time to manage your own feet and nails, trust me...women notice.
Common fashion Mistakes
Socks with Sandals- Do I really need to explain this?
White tube socks with shorts and sneakers- I don't care if you pull them up or push them down. Go with ankle or athletic socks. The less they are visible the better. This simple change will make your legs and calves look better and give you the allusion of being taller. The wait staff at Hooters gets a pass on this one. Always wear socks that are appropriate and match your outfit. If you think people won't see them or notice your socks, you would be wrong.
Shoes and Belts- These two items should always match. If your shoes are shinny, your belt should be shiny. Black with black and brown with brown.
Gold Chains with Pendants- Unless your name is Vinnie, you hail from the north east and drive an I-Roc Z, this is not a good look. If you fit the above description...your awesome and disregard this advice.
Spandex Anything- Lance Armstrong can pull it off, you however shouldn't try.
Pleated Pants- News flash, pleats are out and the flat front is in. Pleats tend to make you look larger and shorter than you are. The flat front pant is a sleek and stylish way to freshen up your look and at the same time give you the allusion of being leaner and taller than you are.
Jeans with tapered legs- Jeans should fit over the top of your shoes or boots. If they don't hang but rather bunch at the top of your shoes, it is time to retire them. Acid and stone washed were cool for a minute, but now they aren't so don't even think about it.
Jean Shorts- I'm not sure how they became popular, however they shouldn't have. They don't look good on anyone.
Hawaiian Shirts- If you are on a cruise or work at Bahama Breeze they are acceptable. If you don't fit either of those categories you look like a nerd.
Ties with Funny designs- Unless it is "funny tie Friday", no one thinks it is a good look other than you.
Short Sleeve Dress Shirts with Ties- I know it is summer and you get hot. Turn up the A.C. and deal with it. This looks ridiculous.
Shoes- Keep them clean, polished and remember it is impossible to "dress up" sneaker.
Shoes are one of those items where you get what you pay for. Spend the money on your shoes.
Remember that judgments are made about you in the first 10-seconds upon meeting someone. If you are not sure what you are communicating or how you are being received...we can help! alpha m. Image Consulting was launched back in 2006 by founder Aaron Marino. Aaron realized that there was a lack of resources and options for men to receive real world help and advice regarding their image, style and grooming. Our goal is to help the modern man look and feel the best that he can...every day of his life.
By Aaron Marino
Posted in
The Fashionable,
Well Groomed Modern Man

For the women the handbags are like the fashion tools that can add glamour to their outfits and the personalities. These handbags can be bought in the various colors, shapes and the sizes according to the needs and the preferences of the women. Every season the styles of the handbags for the women are revised to add more options pertaining to design and the functionality elements. With the passage of the time newer materials in the manufacturing of the handbags are being used. From the synthetic to the leather to the canvas, the different materials help in creating the new looks and the styles for the women to select from. The handbags because of these attributes are considered both fashionable and viable accessories for the women.
However, when buying the handbags, the women should never buy them on the spur of the moment but,evaluate the aspects like storing capacity, material quality, internal compartments and other related factors. The handbags can be bought from the various stores and the specialty shops at the cost effective rates. However, if the individuals are trying to avoid paying the markup they can also sift through the collection of the handbags on the World Wide Web.The discount deals and the promotional offer developed specially for the online shoppers will allow them to find the handbags of their choices in the prices lower than the market rates.
When a person has more than one handbag that they use according to the various occasions, they will need to store their handbags to be used at the various other events. The storing of the handbags requires a careful procedure. The handbags should be stored in the non-porous protective bags so that dust and mold do not enter to damage the bag. Those women who have a large built should carry around a larger bag to trick the eye into giving them a petite look. However, the women who have a petite or boyish figure should make sure to use the round shaped bags to give a much fuller appearance to their figures.
The women who are not very comfortable buying from the World Wide Web, should make sure to visit the wholesalers and sift through their collections to find the perfect handbags for themselves in the rates which would not include the retail markup. When buying the handbag one should make sure to gauge the quality of the material used in the lining of the bags and check the zippers and the buckles to avoid trouble later on. Under no circumstances should the handbags be overstuffed as it stimulated the wear and tear process sooner.
By Hamza Ejaz
Posted in
Fashion and Handbags,

When you get up in the morning and it's cold and raining, it's so tempting to throw on some sweats and sneakers and just try to get through the day. Or if you have to leave the house you might want to just put on any old thing to get through the day. Well, if you have to go to work or get dressed up for an occasion you should check out Aquatalia boots by Marvin K. They're a family owned company that got it's start in 1989 and has found a way to mix fashion and function. Their boots, that are made in Italy, have been created and constructed to feature all of the comfort you need without sacrificing the latest fashion trends. They're made of luxurious soft leathers, high gloss skins, crocodile, quilter and puffer fabrics.
They have a weatherproof collection that uses the latest technology designed to withstand bad weather conditions like rain, snow or sleet. They use a special process to waterproof their boots. A special sealant is applied during the tanning process and is soaked into all of the fibers of the leather. This way it does not wear off but keeps the leather looking soft and the leather breathable. The functionality also includes stain resistance and added cushioning for added comfort. Then they seal the seams with a liquid sealant that completely blocks out all moisture. Of course the sealing can't control moisture at zippers and other closures, but that's to be expected.
The make up of the inside of the boots is also high quality and innovative. They use an insole and lining that has an insulator that self activates and keeps your feet warm. The padding is breathable and comfortable for year around use.
The soles are made of rubber that doesn't get stiff in cold weather and remains flexible to provide solid stability and slip resistance.
Check these boots out if you don't want to compromise fashion for comfort and practicality. You'll look good and be able to splash through the puddles without a worry.
Right now Aquatalia Boots by Marvin K are available in the United States, Canada, Beijing (China), Hong Kong, Australia and the United Kingdom. Their collection includes shoes, booties and boots. They're pricey, but with their quality and functionality it's worth the few extra dollars. Plus, if you shop online you'll find some great deals and clearance prices to suit every budget.
By Jane Jordan
Posted in
Function of Aquatalia Boots,
The Fashion

Those of us with particular tastes may have a hard time finding the type of things we like in the mega-stores that have taken over. It can be difficult for a small niche store to generate enough business even in the largest of cities, especially when those small businesses are producing items like handbags and diaper bags that are typically kept safe and treasured more often than they are worn out or even with daily use.
The advent of the Internet has changed the game for people who have something artistic, beautiful, or unique to offer to the world of fashion and accessories, allowing them to offer their products to people all over the world from the comfort of their homes. This ability to produce from home without the need to maintain an expensive storefront has allowed some of the quirkier and more unique designers to form their own customer base online, and helps place some wonderfully creative things on the market.
Buying a personally designed and handcrafted purse or handbag online is a dream come true for some people, and allows you to show off your personal style in public with something that is simply not for sale at the store around the corner. Even better are those rare and wonderful designers who create a lovely style of handbag or a whole line of bags, and then let you customize the details for your own unique self.
Not all of us have the creative and technical ability that it takes to create a work of useful art that is both wearable and durable, but anyone can now have a purse or bag that reflects their own personal sense of style as well as their personality. At the best of these sites, choose from a handful of different designs and then customize your bag's color and pattern design, straps, and accessories from a list carefully chosen by the designer.
Once you have designed your own bag, all you have to do is wait while it is lovingly and skillfully stitched together exactly the way you want it, crafted by hand and mailed to you as a one custom designed item. You will love the way that your handcrafted bag looks and the quality that will allow it to last and last, and since it is the perfect expression of your personal style, you will want to wear it for years to come!
By Constancia Andrade
Posted in
The Internet Offers Customizable Fashion

Dog collars are usually more than beneficial items for your canine, as they can usually be ornamental as well. There are numerous shades, lengths, materials, designs, and prints that each dog may have a spot to secure not only her id tag, but also an attachment for any lead when needed, plus the capability to produce a style statement. It doesn't matter what the season, as well as time of day, the actual dog collar and associated accessories you dress your pet in will certainly showcase your fashion sense, as well as practicality.
Should you get a dog collar for your own family pet you will need a coordinating lead, and these are usually marketed alongside of the particular collars. An additional product that both you and your pet dog can use is a customized dog collar. They are generally in custom made designs, and you can have a dog collar for every time of year. You can even find collars for dogs to be used at Christmas time, Halloween, Easter, and also July 4th! Several collars for dogs are manufactured by hand, while others are incredibly durable as well as low-priced. Each and every dog owner commonly has a number of accessories for their dogs, and why not?
Do not buy a collar and hope it will fit. Your dog could be young or old, energetic or even inactive, prone to allergy symptoms, big or small and very furry, or almost hairless. Try and take your pet with you whenever you go to purchase a collar - or if buying on the web, examine your options carefully. Have in mind the circumference of your dog's neck and you could determine that with a material tape measure (very carefully). Always check the level of smoothness of a dog collar you've ordered before putting it on your own dog's neck. Ensure by running your own hand over it that there is nothing on the interior that could irritate your own dog.
To go along with your collar, you must determine the kind of leash you'd desire. Some individuals like the old standby - a straight bit of natural leather or nylon material that's long enough to manage your dog, but that allows for some flexibility to sniff what's moving by in your stroll. If you've purchased a variable dog collar, ensure that it won't slide right off your own dog's neck! Many people enjoy leashes that wind up in a round casing. Any time while exercising your pet all that you should do is hold onto the actual handle and either permit your dog have more lead, or retract it if required.
Dog collars along with additional equipment for our companions can be both useful as well as fashionable and you don't have to make a painful choice. Make absolutely certain that what you buy fits the dog, whether it's a Chihuahua or a St. Bernard, a Dachshund or perhaps a Great Dane, or a Jack Russell, Corgi, or even Dalmatian. Do your very best for your canine pals, in any manner it is possible to, and they will repay you sevenfold.
By David W Simpson
Posted in
Dog Collars,
Fashion and Safety Tips

Are you the kind of person who wants to invent your own personal fashion statement rather than being defined by others? Or are you tired of the mass produced shoes that are in the market that dissolves individual expression? Then, the best alternative is to go for shoes that not only express your personal sense of fashion but with little effort you can make one.
If you have small inklings for crafts, and learn how to handle leather decently then there are endless possibilities of creating shoes and sandals that best suits your personal taste. In case you are not sure of how to go about making your own shoes there are different learning kits available, and alternatively you can attend workshops that train people on how to make shoes. With little practice and patience within a short time you will be able to make your own shoes with different combinations and designs.
If you are serious on making your own shoes then the first step is to find the right shoe, and then start making a blueprint and template of the shoes that you want to make. Before making shoes there are certain design decisions that you will need in order to create them:
1. The first is the material and the design i.e. how you want the finished design to look like, and what type of leather that would be used. Therefore, sitting down and drawing a design sketch is the first step.
2. The next step is to find the right sole for your shoes. Depending on your personal choice you can either go for soles from your old shoes or you can visit a cobbler to make one for your specific design. Whichever route you take it is important to remember that the sole needs to be sturdy and strong.
3. Once you get the sole done then the next process is to start making the upper part of the shoes. Generally, you would be required to use a tool called 'last' that expands depending of the size you want. Once you are able to hold the upper material tightly over the 'last', then you tape the entire shoe over the last and start cutting the fabric according to the design pattern. This will then become the template for your shoe. You then cut two more patterns to make a pair of shoes, and then you can stick the sole to the upper pattern and glue the two together.
4. Finally, with a hole puncher you can create eyelets for the shoelaces. With the eyelets done your shoe is more or less completed. So now you can be happy of your handmade shoes.
Thus, to make your own shoes is not very difficult and all you need is you a bit of design ideas, a good shoe making tool, nice leathers and a bit of practice.
By Robert Clemente
Posted in
Make And Design Them,
Make Your Own Shoes

If you are searching to install a brand-new kitchen into your house then you'll definitely find out you will discover a staggering array of absolutely free kitchen design and style inspiring ideas you are able to make a choice from in order to feed your very own new design plans and blueprints. Alongside the bathroom your kitchen is the most important room in your house for getting correct in design terms. Besides the corridor your kitchen attracts the highest level of foot traffic in your own home. Most folks spend a large amount of time in the kitchen, in particular families and whenever some thing is simply not suitable it's going to bug you each time you look at it.
I recommend you invest considerable time seeking out free kitchen layout creative ideas prior to when you approach a kitchen design shop. That way you'll have a substantially more targeted notion of what you are looking for and are generally more likely to motivate the merchant to offer you an unique deal. They can see you as being a sincere prospective client which has spent time building a strong idea and is aware of what they have to have. Layout recommendations are located in numerous avenues like house and home journals, kitchen showrooms, build it yourself stores, kitchen internet websites not to mention friends' properties. Try to be able to formulate at the very least two to three style concepts making use of these techniques. For now the following is several of the actual most fashionable kitchen models that you can look into to get you started off:
Country Style, This style can be labeled as early American or even colonial and creates a stunning quaint farm kitchen image. Usually the kitchen will certainly offer wide open shelves, pot racks plus a typical sense of being very well lived in, highlighted through the various color schemes of the actual cabinets.
Contemporary, This excellent design and style features clean and simple lines. Kitchen cabinets usually are futuristic in appearance without having carvings or even especially ornate features. Usually the stress is definitely on design coupled with practical class. Shaker, This is often a simple and practical design and style which includes flat panel doors, wooden kitchen countertops together with brass hardware.
French Country, They're warm welcoming kitchen areas made up of solid wood and also soft colours. Natural components feature highly just like huge furnishings with ornate carvings.
Arts and Crafts, Truly growing to be a common design and even features glass panels and also natural real wood tones which have been finished in a matte sheen. This specific fashion can be hugely artistic.
And lastly, look at the themes or templates you may have utilised in various other rooms in order that the kitchen style and design you finally pick harmonizes well within your general design. Let's hope our free of charge kitchen style thoughts make it easier to get a good start in ones project.
View the latest deals for this bosch wis28440gb washing machine appliance, browse this useful evaluation on the hotpoint wdd960p
By John Mandrake
Posted in
Common Kitchen Styles,

You may have a good collection of designer purses and designer handbag, but you lack the confidence and syle to sport these the right way. Before you add up anything on the authentic handbags and designer totes that you already own, you have to search for tips on what you can do to own the bags and not the other way around. Most of these bags, even the cheap handbags and discount handbags can upstage the owner if the latter won't learn how to carry the authentic handbag the proper way.
So what's the big deal about your fashion and style and these designer purses and designer handbags? Did you know that using something that do not complement your size and what you are wearing can actually make you appear larger? To get the ideas on how certain bags can look on you, you can begin by browsing fashion magazines or looking online for pictures of some stars that have the body shape like yours and see how they are faring when they carry certain styles of authentic handbags.
To be safe about the colors, you can maintain the neutral ones on your collection, such as brown, white and black. These colors are versatile and you can mix and match these with various outfits. For embellishments, make sure that you check important details that include the pockets, buckles, studs and fabric texture. All these can also give you clearer ideas on what kinds of clothes will match these bags.
The kind of bag that you must carry also depends on the appearance that you wish to create. For example, you have to opt for smaller bags if you don't want it to get in the way of your overall projection. The bigger bags can be used for added functions like more space, but you need to match this carefully with the kind of outfit that will make you outshine that bag that you are carrying.
In the end, it is actually a matter of what makes you feel good that you must prioritize in choosing designer purses and bags. You have to settle for the one that will boost your confidence and build up the kind of personality that you want to project.
Sophie Jaclis exposes her readers to a wide range of topics about Designer Handbags, Gourmet Coffee, Online Dating, and Movie Reviews. Her motto is to keep things simple, informative and straight to the point. Please visit http://www.lisajac.com/authentichandbag and http://www.expressorus.com for further information.
By Sophie Jaclis
Posted in
Choosing the Right Designer Purses,
Designer Handbags,
Match Your Outfit

When daughters are still young, it's so fun to dress them. Little girl clothing is colorful and feminine. Yet somehow as young girls begin to grow many of them decide they want to look older than they are.
The media is partly to blame. The mainstream fashion industry doesn't help. Short skirts, crop tops and provocative clothing can be found for even the youngest of toddlers. Is it possible to find fashionable clothing, clothing that lets your daughter celebrate looking and feeling good, while still looking like a little girl?
Tips To Find Age Appropriate, And Fashionable, Clothing For Little Girls
· Embrace child friendly designers and stores. When shopping with your daughter, steer clear of the mainstream stores which tend to sell the big girl clothing. Smaller boutiques and stores which specialize in clothing specifically for little girls will have beautiful clothing for your daughter to choose from.
· Give her options and let her choose. Children as young as two or three can choose their own clothing. It gives them power, cultivates their own sense of fashion and creativity, and helps create a bond between you - rather than a battle. Choose a couple of outfits you think she'd like and give her the option to choose from those. This way you're still in control however she feels like she has a say in what she wears.
· Help her find her style. Some little girls love to wear colorful frilly dresses while others prefer jeans and a t-shirt. Ask your young daughter what she likes to wear and why. Take her to a child friendly online store and ask her to show you the clothing she likes. Engaging in a discussion will help her and you learn her style personality.
· Accessorize. It's the little things that sometimes make us feel the best about our appearance. A headband, a fun pair of tights, a fun bangle or necklace can really help a child feel good about how they look. And if your daughter is a hat wearer then they can really have fun with an outfit.
· Set a good example. It may sound obvious however children, especially young ones, tend to take their fashion cues from their parents. Now that doesn't mean you have to wear polka dot tights and a frilly pink dress (unless you want to) however when you dress age appropriately and take pride in your appearance your daughter, believe it or not, will learn from you.
· Let go. Fill her closet with items she likes, and you approve of, and then let her have control over what she wears. There will likely be days when she walks out of her room wearing jeans and a flowery dress on top or yellow striped tights and a purple dress, smile and tell her she looks colorful and let her go. Little girls love to experiment with clothing, if you're able to fill her wardrobe with items you approve of then you can relax and let her experiment to her heart's content.
Bright colors, fun fabrics and patterns and a little freedom to choose what she likes will help your daughter to look fun and fashionable while still looking like the little girl she is. Find a few child friendly stores and give your daughter a bit of choice, you'll both be glad you did.
You can keep your daughter fashionable and looking her age. Kate Marie Wilber is the owner of Barefoot Bella Children's Boutiqe, your premium source for girls boutique clothing [http://www.barefootbella.net/index.cfm?fuseaction=catalog.catalog&categoryID=37] from infant to size 14. Visit http://www.BarefootBella.net for the perfect items for the girl in your life.
By Kate Marie Wilber
Posted in
Keeping Your Young Daughter Fashionable,
Still Looking Like a Little Girl

Today in the fashionable world all need to be in style. Your baby also needs some fashionable and stylish clothing that can help them to remain cool and comfortable. There are lots of options to choose from. With wide range of colors and designs available for your baby, it is many times difficult to find the best one for your baby. But with bit of care and cleverness you can find the best deal for your baby that helps them to be comfortable and stylish.
Fashionable clothing and apparels are in demand. Be it man or woman or your baby, all needs to have clothing that suits their style and make them feel comfortable. Today there are many companies that are developing new and innovative range of baby bodysuits for your babies. These 100 percent cotton blank bodysuits are very comfortable for your babies. You can now get this baby clothing online.
More and more companies and brands are now providing the best quality of clothes and bodysuits that are in fashion. They are also providing great discounts and offers for their online customers to attract more and more customers. Children clothing and blank bodysuits comes in exciting range and colors. There are t-shirts and other fashionable clothing that comes with some attractive and cool writings. This attracts the attention of every viewer at first sight.
While purchasing the baby clothing care has to be taken that you select the clothes that suits your baby needs. You should choose the fabric that comforts you baby. Care has to be taken about the weather conditions while selecting the right colors for your baby clothing. Select some light colored clothing in summers and dark colored clothing in winter.
By Prav Garg
Posted in
Cotton Bodysuits,
Your Babies

Do you know that there are a lot of great designer reading glasses now available in your local optical shop or online? There are a lot of eyeglass companies that spend a lot of money just to get the name of a great designer to attach to their eyeglasses. And there are also a lot of people who would not hesitate to spend a hundred or two hundred more than the usual to get those designer reading glasses.
Who would not want to wear them? If you are one who likes designer shoes, bags, accessories and clothes, would you hesitate to buy your favourite designer's brand of reading glasses? It is doubtful that you would hesitate and it is also doubtful that a lot of people who are picky about what they wear would also hesitate. As long as it is fashionable and the wearer is a fashionista, then no amount of money would stop them from getting what they want. The top designer brands are: Calvin Klein, Christian Dior, D&G, Dolce and Gabana, Dolomiti Eyewear, Emporio Armani, Gucci, Kate Spade, Nike, Prada, Ralph Lauren, Ray Ban Glasses, Revue Retro, and Silhouette.
As you can read, 90% of these names are household brands that have been around for decades. It helps that a lot of actors and actresses use glasses. To name a few George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Jessica Simpson, Jamie Fox, Tina Fey and many more. These actors grace pictures and magazines all over the world and they are not hesitant to show that they wear glasses and reading glasses. So the fear that wearing reading glasses will make someone look old and spinsterish is no longer an issue, in fact, to look more sophisticated, some people make sure they wear glasses, reading or not. There is now an increasing demand for designer reading glasses because in reality, the branded ones are the ones that are very wearable and last longer than the el cheapos.
What makes the designer reading glasses different from the rest? Simple, they not only improve the eyesight, but they make the wearer look really good. Second, their designs hide imperfect features, and whether the frames are tinted or just sleek, they attract positive attention from other, especially those who do not appreciate people wearing glasses. Because the brand name is so recognizable, they can be worn in public without the wearer feeling insecure and feel the need to hide the glasses.
If you're looking for designer reading glasses then please visit the scojo.com online store and explore our catalogue of top quality eyewear.
By Ivan Gordon
Posted in
Designer Reading Glasses,
Get Into Fashion

Clothes mark an important priority in an individual's life. Every person tries to look trendy and stylish in the kind of clothes they dress in. Women on the other hand want to look like a diva when it comes to fashion and selection of clothes, obviously depending upon the choice and liking. Women are any day more conscious than men about their looks, clothes, shoes, accessories etc. They are very particular about the kind of attire they are wearing. Be it formals, designer dresses and casuals, every kind of attire has a special kind of importance in their life. Women's clothing has gained pace since the past few years as most of the young designers have started making new creative designs that impress the budding retailers and hence they stock them. The women of today are bold and courageous enough to step into their own shoes and do something great for themselves without depending on anybody else. There are various kinds of clothes that are designed and styled for the women of today to suit their daily needs and requirements which would make them look more glamorous and stylish. Depending upon the seasons and temperature, there are various options available.
Rising temperatures and sweaty environment has made it really difficult for some people to choose for the best options in clothes. However, exotic and bright colors are the best which should be worn in the hot summer time. Kooky pattern mixes, wild and colorful dresses, skirts, and T-shirts are the ones which are frequently worn. Uniquely patterned skirts and wrap arounds are the flavors of the season with bright colored outfits.
However, most of the women think that wearing micro mini skirts and tight tube top would make them look more sexy and glamorous. But this is not true. A girl should choose the dress depending on her body type. Long and thin women can go for belted dresses which would make them look more attractive and beautiful which would in turn give them the confidence in their respective spheres and make them stand out in the crowd.
Dressing up in a funky and sweet style is a liked by many. But one should know what kind of occasion it is and what kind of accessories and footwear would go along with it. It is very important to take care of these things while dressing up. For all those women having fuller bodies who think that covering themselves up would be make them look attractive, well it's not true. The sex appeal of women can be enhanced by wearing a kind of a dress which exposes your appropriate body in a stylish manner. For eg. Bare backs, knee-length or shorter skirt, v-neck tops and three-quarter sleeve t shirts will make the heads turn wherever you go.
For more information on women's clothing please visit, http://www.ministryoffashion.co.uk/blog/
By James Neo
Posted in
Designs in Women Clothing,
The New Styles

Many manufacturing companies are in business to re-create designer names and styles at lower costs and sometimes improved quality!
This pretty much goes with everything related to fashion and accessories as there is such a demand amongst women mainly to have the latest look.
After spending a lot of time and money on your wardrobe then it is time to look after your hair, skin, body, weight management and teeth. This is also a huge growth industry and is heavily targeting the men as they also getting on the beauty train with treatments like teeth whitening and hair restoration to name a few.
We all want to look good and feel great and Many UK retailers are doing a great job of creating good quality fashion clothing and handbags at low costs. Just look on Amazon or eBay and you will find plenty. Companies like Primark, Asda, Asos and New Look to name a few are helping customers find good quality items at lower prices.
In fact the cost of many clothes, shoes and handbags are cheaper today that ten years ago because of additional competition on the high street and with manufacturing occurring in places like China then prices are dropped to facilitate the growing fashion savvy consumer who wants cheap bargains and high quality.
If you shop around then you will get the look of the catwalks but within your budget and this includes clothing, shoes, handbags and even sunglasses.
By Jay Scott Edwards
Posted in
Designer Shoes,
Teeth Whitening

Fashion is the biggest need of females because it does not matter how old or young they are they love to look unique from others. This article is also about a fashion supply that has become quite necessary for women in very aspect of life. The supply I am going to discuss here is known as handbags. You can say that this item has become the part of women. Wherever they go, they had a handbag with them of different sizes, colors and shapes.
You might be thinking that why females always take handbags with them wherever they go. Well, the answer of this valid question is they want to keep themselves update regarding their makeup and hairstyle and for this they have to put all of their essential make-up kits and hair brush together in a place. For this purpose they use a handbag according to the supplies they are taking with them.
Such handbags are becoming a vital part of fashion and girls use them according to the color of their clothes. In old times, such types of bags were only made up of leather stuff but the demands of people are changing day-by-day and these handbags are also available in different materials like plastic or of thick clothe. Such hand bags are also according to the type of event. For instance, if a girl is going on a date then the bags use for this event is quite small in size and they can contain a small wallet, lipstick or a cell phone. This hand bag is known as Girl's night Out Handbag.
If you are also willing to buy such type of bags then you can search them at different shopping malls. Moreover, if you are allergic of visiting places then simply visit the links given below.
By Azlan Irda
Posted in
Handbags 2010,
Latest Designs

While the basics seem to stay the same, such as the inclusion of cakes, flowers, and music, wedding fashions are always changing. If you are planning a wedding in 2009, here are a few tips on what is hot this year in wedding fashions and what to avoid.
One of the most popular trends this year is in the use of feathers. While you certainly do not want to go overboard and appear like a bird, you can add some flair with a few well-placed feathers. Just keep it understated. Consider using them as a hair accessory or as a small detail on your gown.
As far as fabrics, the trend has turned away from traditional silk. More gowns are designed with embroidered tulle and cotton lace. Another specific aspect of the gowns to notice is the embellishments. Ribbons, beading, bows, and the ever-present lace are some of the favorites. The subtle details are very feminine, but also exude elegance and grace. The trick is to find a look that is flattering, but not overdone.
One of the most popular styles this year is the single shouldered dress. A carry over from the winter season, this really chic and very modern style seems to appeal to those who favor a less traditional look for their gowns. This is also the case with shorter wedding dresses as well. Fitted bodices and full skirts at or above the knee are very popular. If you are planning a casual, outdoor ceremony, these can be just the ticket to a very stylish wedding. There will always be the need for the full, formal, floor length gowns for the classic, formal ceremony.
When it comes to colors, white will always be in style, but there is also a turn to the pastels. Your bridesmaids, however, will love the new, bold looks for the season. Cobalt blues, kelly greens, and canary yellows are very popular and will create a fabulous dramatic effect. The champagne colored gowns for the bridesmaids are definitely out. If you want your bridesmaids in one of these neutral colors, you add color with pretty sashes or hair accessories, such a brightly colored scarf.
When it comes to your own wedding fashion, however, it really is a matter of personal taste. Many little girls start planning their weddings from a very young age and dream for years about what it will look like. If your heart is set on a certain style, fabric, or color, then wear it. This is one of the most important days of your life, and you deserve to wear what makes you happy. You don't want to make all your decisions based on what is considered in style for the year. When you choose the fashion for your wedding, make sure it's what you want to wear and not what society tells you is best.
Whether you're going to a wedding, out for a special dinner date, or just a casual get together... your look and fashion will be a thousand times better with a spring scarf or shawl to accent your outfit. There's only one place to get the "fashion accesory" of your dreams... and that's at: http://www.FashionScarvesAndShawls.com
This highly rated scarves and shawls emporium has hundreds of desirable fashion accents and shawls to make your shopping experience a real pleasure.
By Meryl Rougeaux
Posted in
Wedding Fashion

It's a new year and it's time to start looking at the upcoming 2008 Spring and Summer Jewelry trends! The ever changing business of bead jewelry and fashion trends isn't always easy to predict, but I've been reading a lot of fashion magazines, listening to my customers keeping an eye out for what sort of jewelry has been selling and what hasn't been.
Based on these observations and my own inner fashion diva, here's what will be hot in beads and jewelry in 2008:
Natural Colors
There is lots of emphasis on "natural" colors and materials such as wood or stone beads use in jewelry. Along with this natural feel are a lot of organic and botanical looking beads and pendants as well. If it is even slightly reminiscent of nature it seems to be popular in most jewelry and bead circles right now.
Bold and Big
Large stones, gemstones and beads are still in, though they're becoming a little less "over the top" and little more natural in size and pleasing to the eye. In 2008 bead jewelry pieces will still be expected to make a bold statement and not just lie on the neck or wrist. The "chunky" jewelry is still popular and I'm noticing that a lot of people like the rough cut or asymmetrical stones and beads.
Pendants, Charms and Single Stones
Single large stones that hang in a pendant configuration are popular. Lots of celebrities and media women are wearing bright and somewhat larger charm bracelets and even necklaces than they were in the past.
Yes, I'm talking about color again! Natural is good, but also remember to be bright and bold! Bright colors from the 1980's are out. Think more along the lines of the brightest colors you might see in a sunset or seascape. The color yellow is still popular, but I've seen it used more as an accent color in a lot of jewelry pieces and beads rather than the main event. These bright colors are being seen in bead jewelry and clothing fashions together. Many of these bright colors are "warmer" to go along with the natural feel!
Yes, natural and chunky are in, but there is still room for metals in beaded jewelry, especially when it is sleek and modern looking or even mixed with natural materials like wood and stone beads. There are always people who like the more "modern" beads and jewelry as opposed to the more traditional bead jewelry designs. You can buy modern beads for jewelry making or you can go for a more unique look and actually make bead jewelry out of hardware washers!
Shiny Stuff: Silver and Gold
Silver is still hot, but gold is making a comeback. The two metals are being seen mixed together in more and more pieces and more and more unique ways. I've seen a lot of charms, pendants and larger jewelry beads designed with a gemstone, gold and silver all in one piece.
I would describe the perfect bead jewelry necklace for 2008 to be comprised of bright, colorful oversized beads that invoked nature in either their shape or color and the whole piece would be be brought together with a tasteful silver and gold gemstone pendant hanging off the neck to bring it all together.
I hope you have a great 2008 and you're able to find or make some wonderfully fashionable and trend-setting bead jewelry for yourself!
Laura has been creating bead jewelry and sharing her beading discoveries online since 2005. Over 100 articles later she is still finding new bead jewelry websites, beading artists and bead supply sites to tell others at http://www.beadjewelryblog.com
By L. Kay
Posted in
Bead Jewelry Trends,

The opening sentence in the Economist article caught my attention. It confirmed something I kind of already knew, the Arctic has been a fashionable destination this summer. Some members in my extended family went, and so did my friend Luc. Traveling to the Arctic has become the ultimate green chic, more than buying the latest Hybrid, more than building a totally green house. It is something to talk about at parties, and an experience only the very privileged can afford. If I had the money, I would probably consider it, never mind all the emissions from all the flying and buying the polar accoutrements for the trip. It is just so cool!
The same is at work when I go crazy for Target's latest designer. Everyday, I go to the mailbox, looking for my Dominique Cohen jewelry shipment. It's called fashion, and it is very, very powerful. Fashion has the amazing ability to change people's perceptions and behaviors overnight. I remember as a child growing up, being so embarrassed by my parents' lifestyle choices for our family. In the small town where we lived, we were the only vegetarians. How much I resented not being like the other meat eating kids in my school! I thought my father was a freak for having such unorthodox ideas. Years later, in California where I live, being a vegetarian is a statement of ultimate green coolness, and one of the ways that teenagers choose to affirm their independence.
I think about the lifestyle choices I need to make to become a truly green girl, the three R's- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle -, the small acts in the privacy of my home, the not shopping bit, the driving less, the changing the light bulbs to CFB's, . . . I think of all these things, and what strikes me is how unglamorous, how invisible they all are. Not to minimize No Impact Man's feat, my sense is it would probably be a lot harder, if not impossible, for him and his family to deliver on their promise, if they did not benefit from all the attention from the blogosphere, the movie in the making, and the book to come. For the commoner that I am, there are none of these immediate external rewards, only the satisfaction of a guilt-free green conscience. And that is not enough. The challenge I see, is how to turn fashion on its head, and use it to our advantage? There can only be one No Impact Man. How can we each capture a bit of that same green glory, and claim it as our own?
Marguerite Manteau-Rao is a blogger, social psychologist, and green girl wannabe. Since April 2007, she has chronicled her daily tribulations as a green girl wannabe in her blog: La Marguerite "My Inconvenient Truth: the Daily Sins of a Green Girl Wannabe" http://lamarguerite.wordpress.com
By Marguerite Manteau-Rao
Posted in

Founded by Queen Anne in 1711, Royal Ascot is now an internationally acclaimed sporting and social event, combining tradition, pageantry and style in a truly magnificent setting - against the backdrop of top class thoroughbreds and world famous jockeys competing for some of the most prestigious accolades in horseracing. But though the racing is the main event, it is matched by the fashion and style on display. In fact, for many, the highlight of Royal Ascot is often Ladies Day, held this year on June 21st.
The range of fashion and style on display at Royal Ascot Ladies' Day marks its position as one of the highlights of the British social calendar. A colourful array of outfits creates one of the most elegant and sophisticated occasions in the summer calendar. Hat wearers of every description can be seen at Ladies' Day at Royal Ascot, ranging from the formal to the flamboyant. And for many in the British fashion industry, the hats worn by ladies at Royal Ascot are equivalent in status to designer dresses worn to the Oscars! So if you're planning to attend Royal Ascot Ladies' Day, it's certain that you'll be in for an exclusive fashion treat.
Traditionally, Ladies' Day at Ascot is held on the same day as the Ascot Gold Cup, a Group 1 flat race for run over a distance of two miles four furlongs. And with £180 million worth of redevelopment having been completed at the Ascot Racecourse - a modification that forced Royal Ascot to relocate to York Racecourse in 2005 - the Royal Ascot Meeting is now more splendid than ever. A unique blend of high fashion and high stakes add to the atmosphere of Britain's most popular race meeting, where the £2.5 million in prize money guarantees the very best flat racing action.
Notwithstanding the exclusive fashion and the excellent racing, the highlight of each day at Royal Ascot is the eagerly anticipated Royal Procession, when at 2pm, the Royal Party enters the Golden Gates and drives up the course in horse drawn carriages. Over 200,000 people are known to visit the venue during four days of racing every June - and the recent upgrades and renovations are expected to draw even more spectators.
If you're planning to visit Royal Ascot during Ladies' Day this June, you'll be able to find a range of short breaks or holiday packages that cater specifically to you. Often, these packages will include entrance to Ascot and accommodation at one of any number of hotels near Ascot - so you'll be able to enjoy both easy access to the racecourse and a perfect view of the array of fashionable hats and outfits over the course of Ladies' Day!
By Andrew Regan
Posted in
High Fashion,
High Stakes,
Ladies Day at Royal Ascot

If a pliable robe is desired, a kimono is a good choice. Its simple lines can dress up or down for most situations. At a wedding, the garment is typically embroidered intricately, and its proportions may be amplified such as in length or variety of accessories. The martial arts wearer, on the other hand, will look to BJJ kimonos for a traditional shape balanced with an economy of style that allows for agile movements of the competitor.
Japanese manufacturers continue to keep alive the long tradition of making these robes. Even in ancient times, these garments were celebrated in many cultures owing to their comfortable proportions and designs. Contemporary martial artists update the look by adding trousers.
The fashion of wearing these flowing robes began many centuries ago in Japan. Trade and political relationships with China introduced some variations in the style of the garment, particularly for the neckline of the woman's version. Sashes, trouser styles, and layers underneath in addition to footwear have achieved different looks through history.
Among the first martial arts practitioners to popularize the kimono were the large Sumo wrestlers. They must dress traditionally when they go out in public. A generous girth requires additional yards of fabric to create a kimono that follows the traditional pattern, including voluminous, flowing sleeves.
Earlier in their history, these robes were usually made of silk. Concern for value and comfort have led manufacturers to select textiles that work better for people in their less formal daily lives. What a person does while wearing a kimono can influence the fabric choice. Celebrations and weddings suggest more ornate designs. By contrast, a need for long-lasting, absorbent clothing drives the choices of martial artists.
In the modern era, women's traditional kimonos tend to be more complex, decorated, and expensive than men's, which satisfy more practical, functional concerns. Performing artists or brides are the more likely customers for the upscale products with their more complex layers of accessories. When men adopt this traditional style, their robes are more likely to be tailored in darker, subtler colors and include little ornamentation.
Key customers for functional kimonos include martial artists. Studios order them for their students to create a brand. Robust designs make these a popular choice of clothing for tough competitions. Manufacturers feature easy care, quick drying fabrics when offering products.
Men's versions of the garment will also be made of well structured textiles. They typically follow the more subdued hues of contemporary Japanese menswear. Institutional logos will be featured on sleeves or the back. Variety and personal expression is still possible, but both in social wear and competitive uniforms, the gender differences prevail in clothing.
Some aspects of the garment have persisted in spite of contemporary pressures to alter them. When seeking a traditional uniform, a BJJ Kimono product can fulfill critical needs for martial artists. Functionally styled, pliable robes respect the desire for traditional dress while adding more comfort in action.
Get your high quality yet affordable Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gear products. Visit http://www.freestylecustoms.net/.
By Mario Cora
Posted in
Usefulness Hallmark BJJ Kimonos

Quilters, gather your used denim jeans. Used denim jeans can be used for quilting lap tops, bed spreads, wall hangings, floor covers, pillow covers, and wearable fashions. Quilt wearable fashion and quilts from used jeans. Quilted fashion made from used jeans is very smart and unique. Recycle used jeans adding new products for your home and a unique new fashion wardrobe for self and others.
Recycle used jeans into fashionable vests, jackets, and skirts. Choose from your collection of black jeans, white jeans, blue jeans, and denim overalls.
To gain experience before attempting to make a unique wearable fashion for self or others, make a quilt first. Start with a lap quilt. Denim is heavy. As you experience cutting and stitching denim and feeling the heaviness of this cloth, you will then have a better understanding of how to use denim for fashion wear.
You will also have knowledge as to when to use light, medium, and heavy weight denim fabric. Denim does not have to be lined or backed, however, depending on the use of the quilt or the wearable fashion cotton and flannel are excellent choices for backing.
Quilting patterns may include:
* Four square block
* Nine square block
* Disappearing nine patch
* rag
* Log cabin Bricks
Quilt uses:
* Lap quilt
* Bed spread
* Sleeping bag
* Pet bedding
* Floor carpeting
* Car seat cover
There are wearable jeans which are lined with flannel. It is not necessary to add backing to these pre-lined fabrics. Decorate and finish your seams with decorator trimming or leave as stitched.
As you stitch your squares allow one-half inch seams because the denim creation when washed and placed in the dryer will create a fluffy decoration or frayed threads at the seam line. A word of warning; do not use your home washer or dryer.
It is recommended that you wash and dry your denim creations in a commercial machine as these commercial appliances have better lint catchers than home appliances. If you should use your home washer or dryer, the threads will overwhelm and clog the lint catcher. The damage can be severe and will require either a repairman or purchasing new appliances.
Oops! I dare not forget. Do not use stretch denim. It has too much stretch.
As you create your new fashion wardrobe quilted from used jeans you will want to make use of other cotton fabrics from used shirts, skirts, dresses, bed sheets and pillow cases to either alternate denim patches or to stitch the used non-denim fabric for backing.
Alternating the used cotton fabrics with the used denim will help to lighten the final weight of the garment or quilt. Decorate your new creations with trims or appliques. Borders for quilts are optional. Have fun.
Learn how to quilt. Design and make your unique wearable fashion quilted from used jeans. Visit the hobbies page of Tricia Deed at http://www.Infotrish.vpweb.com/ and review Quilting Gems. Do not forget your free quilting pattern.
Tricia Deed of http://www.Infotrish.vpweb.com/ brings you through internet marketing hobbies for your leisure and recreation and business hobbies to increase your household income. I invite you to my web pages to visit and review hobby companies of your choosing. Do take advantage of their free giveaway.
By Tricia Deed
Posted in
Quilt Wearable Fashion,
Quilts From Used Jeans

In the world of art and fashion, new trends come up nearly every day of the year. If you are a Wedding planner who plans to known as the person who makes the Cinderella wedding theme come true then you really need to be up to date about all the upcoming wonders in the world of fashion.
When it comes to weddings, organizing them is a pretty upheaval task. Perfection is required from choosing the dresses for the bridesmaids to design and flavor of the three- tier cake. Nothing less than that will be accepted to the parties associated with the wedding.
As a wedding coordinator, you are required to assume the role of a planner, facilitator, money manager, artisan and the pivot for all activities and for all parties concerned.
The second most difficult task required to be taken by a wedding planner is to turn a $10,000 wedding into a million dollar wedding in appearance. This again requires excellent money management and artistic skills.
Most people tend to get married only once during their lifetime, so they want this day of their life to be the most memorable and the most beautiful day of their lives. Yet not everyone can afford to drape silk with exotic candles and bouquets on every table on the floor. The technique how to make a wedding look grand without over spending is learnable, but through a wedding coordination and design training.
A wedding coordination and design training will improve your performance as a wedding planner. Some of the skills that are taught in these are reception and décor styles, wedding styles from traditional to western weddings and also wedding trends from around the world.
Wedding gown styles, reception styles, latest stage sets can all be learned through keeping up with the latest trends.
Design training not only helps you keep abreast of the changes in fashion it polishes your creativity levels.
Obviously going back to school in mid-career is no one's ideal way of stepping up the career ladder, but thanks to the internet technology many school now offer online and distant learning classes.
These courses now include courses on personnel management that you as a wedding coordinator need to accomplish. The more friendly and interactive you are the more business you will attract. No one wants to hire a person who does not keep composed during the most important day of their lives, especially the one who is at the helm of the affairs.
Also by having a good and friendly attitude you can attract more business by making one wedding successful and keeping the bride and her family happy.
The bride's friends who still have their weddings to come by will then consider you to make their big day a dream wedding.
For more information on Special Event Courses visit tisoh.com
By Owais Siddiqui Jr
Posted in
Design Training Can Help You Perform Better,
Wedding Coordination,
Wedding Planner

A bed plays a crucial role in our life as we spend a large part our lives laying on them. Asleep or not, we spend a large part of lives using beds. A modern bed is an important piece of bedroom furniture. Studies and research have proven beyond doubt that sleep is essential for a healthy mind and body. There are many different views on how many hours of sleep one requires, but the quality of sleep is something everyone agrees on.
If lack of sound and comfortable sleep is your problem and you are looking for a solution that does not involve sleeping pills, look around and you will see the solution right in front of you. A study says that one major reason behind by many suffering with insomnia is sleeping on the wrong kind of bed. For a proper 8 hours rest one needs to have a good bed which can assure undisturbed and comfortable sleep.
Ever noticed, we sleep better when far from home, when we go for sleep over or stay in a hotel. Wondered the reason why? When we say we need a good bed to sleep, it means both in terms of comfort and looks. A comfortable bed is more enjoyable when it is chic and appealing which a normal bed may not offer. Modern beds provide you the right ambience to relax in, thereby promoting a healthy lifestyle and what more you need when they are fashionable as well?
As beds are the centre piece of bedroom furniture, they need to be appealing and well designed to add to the overall appearance of the room. It should create a style statement which depends on the kind of beds you choose. There are a variety of beds which differ in sizes, style and design. One can choose a bed depending on the room's interior or plan the interiors depending on the bed. Leather beds, wooden beds, country beds and cottage beds are some of the beds which come in various designs, with or without headboards and foot ends. The sizes also differ from single and double to king and queen size beds.
Moreover, a bed should be something that can relieve your stress the moment you drop yourself on it. A good bed should be able to alleviate a lot of discomfort in a person's body in such spots as the back, neck, or shoulders. For which a good quality bed mattress is also necessary to support the bed frame and be worth the investment.
If a good modern bed is important to give the chic look one needs for its home, it is also important to look at the health aspects for lack of sleep can make you cranky for all day long and the entire purpose of having the bed could be lost. Thus the combination of health and fashion is important for an ideal bedroom.
Ginny Sandhu writes for Furnitureopia an online furniture store having vast collection and Discount on Home Furniture, Kids Furniture, Office Furniture, Bedroom Furniture, Living Room Furniture, Dining Room Furniture, Accent Furniture, Day Beds, Home Decor, Outdoor Patio Furniture and more. On all Kind of Furniture Free Shipping is Guaranteed at Furnitreopia.com.
By Ginny Sandhu
Posted in
Good For Your Back,
Highly Fashionable,
Modern Beds

If you are entertained and enthralled by the universe of fashion and dress-up, then world wide web fashion and dress-up options are excellent for you. You never have to put on a shirt and you can be exposed to the dress-up world world of money, gorgeous clothing and glamour in only a few seconds.
Fashion games arent only entertainment, but for the fashion focused, they can also give you headway into the best and coolest styles of today. You can test them out, strut them on the red carpet, and do it once again without ever dropping expending a dollar on your own sweater or clothes.
Fashion games also allow you to move into the awesome planet of celebrity. Not only can you try on the most amazing, pricy clothes, you can also stop in viscerally into the planet of a red-carpet celebrity who will walk with you to their entertainment premiere, their press conferences, and to the hippest fashion shows. You can also choose to be a celebrity if you so choose, if you prefer that over being the hippest, nicest celebrity of today.
You dont have to stay with to set templates either, though. You can adjust and set up your favorite clothes, create your own, and set your own fashion and dress up styles. Be your own designer and set the newest dress-up trends of the present. Want to make blue sweaters the newest style for guys? Love leather olive skirts, and dream your idoloized TV star would look excellent in them?
Locating these games online is easy. Just find for dress up games, fashion games or some derivative and youll find a variety of games for your entertainment excitement. These games are excellent for kids and are kid friendly, if not completely targeted towards them. They will push your little ones into a exciting world of luxury, entertainment and non-stop thrills.
By Ross Michaels
Posted in
Dress-Up Games,

You are capable of dressing yourself in numerous manners. You can dress up in either formal or casual wear or a combination of the two. From time to time, trends continue to change. Newest style trends from movies, commercials and obviously fashion shows are known to us. We are always impressed by sexy models swaying on the ramp in trendy attire.
Hip hop clothing has taken the US as well as the world by storm. It is not because the style adheres to normal ways of dressing, but because it is unique and different. Dressing to the trend does not always cost a lot of money either. A simple pair of jeans and faded denim shirt can be fashionable and unique.
You would not be wrong to assert that what we wear is greatly affected by the music world, particularly by the type of music called hip hop. The effect of the hip hop lifestyle has really taken people aback. It has had real effects even on the very young. Check out the rich and famous folks in L.A. and you'll find that lots of them are hip hop fans.
Hip hop clothing consists of a variety of clothing choices including, but not limited to; flashy and bright suits, oversized pendants, out of the ordinary accessories and 'anti-fit' denim. The most common choice for women who dress to this trend is low rise jeans and skin tight tops.
Hip hop fashion is all dependent on your own personal preferences and how you portray yourself. A lot of designers specialize in everyday wear. Bangles, shades, and loose fitting pants are just a few examples of what's "in".
Hip hop clothing is a popular line that can be found on many stores online. Many adolescents prefer this line of clothing. It has become a popular style around the world. Today hip hop clothing is available to all and not just limited to the singers that made it famous. More and more female celebrities are also wearing this line of clothing, ever increasing its popularity.
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By Howard Brule
Posted in
Flashy Everyday,
Hip Hop Clothing

Living in a holiday resort affords boatloads of amusement every summer, when hordes of visitors arrive from all over the world to enjoy the sun, the beach and the restaurants which characterise our little Spanish coastal town.
It is possible to amuse oneself simply by taking a seat at a beachside café to watch the fashion parade of coloured sarongs, weird hats and painful looking thongs strolling by.
It is very easy to identify the nationalities of the various tourists, and we often have competitions to see who can identify the most categories, such as 'Italian Stallion,' (these are the characters who stuff their private parts into Speedos designed for a four year old) 'French Fashion Freak,' (elegant sandals and designer swimwear) or 'Burned British Bulldog,' (this describes a British man with a large sunburned beer belly).
There are code words for the certain levels of sun exposure. 'Milkbottle' is the palest grade, followed by 'Smoked Salmon,' 'Smoked Mackerel' and 'Boiled Lobster.' You get extra points for spotting the twits who have fallen asleep in the sun with a head band on or an over large pair of sunglasses, giving their faces that shocked panda motif.
I am always stunned to see how many women wear skimpy bikinis no matter what size or shape they might be. On the beach only this week I saw an enormous lady hauling her cellulite infested frame out of a deckchair in a thronged bikini, and waddle her way down to the water's edge quite happily, completely impervious to shocked stares and whispered remarks.
British tourists on holiday with the family are easy to spot. The father of the group and the children are always wearing brand new, snowy white trainers; the mother always strolls along the seafront awkwardly carrying a woolly cardigan over one arm, even if the temperature is nearly forty degrees.
Occasionally there are contenders for a special mention, the ones who like to draw comment by exposing themselves on a beach which exercises a strict non nudity policy, or deposit themselves on a restaurant chair whilst still covered in sand and sun oil.
An interesting departure from the usual materialised this summer in the form of leggings, worn mostly by British women, under summer dresses. The British summer has been very bad this year and you can understand leggings being worn beneath summer frocks when the outdoor temperature is only five degrees. In Spain, however, these ladies are sweating in leggings, in thirty five degrees!
Fashion is a strange creature and one we continue to observe with interest.
Jan Gamm writes reflections on life with an emphasis on world travel. She has lived in many countries and traveled extensively in the Far East, the Middle East, America, South America and throughout the South Pacific. She writes for fun and for money whenever she can manage it.
By Jan Gamm
Posted in
Bikini Horrors,
Summer Fashions