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One Simple Change and You Can Have Shoes That Are Both Fashionable and Comfortable

For some reason it seems like we have been taught that in order to be fashionable, we have to be uncomfortable. This seems to be even more true when it comes to our shoes. We spend an outrageous amount of money on shoes that are so uncomfortable that they are actually painful.

When we are shopping for a new pair of shoes, we tend to think that we have to sacrifice for comfort for fashion and vice versa. The truth is that it is possible to own a pair of shoes that are both comfortable and fashionable. You might even be surprised at just how little you have to give up. In fact the only thing you will have to sacrifice are the pointy toes that so many shoes have.

I don't know which shoe designer first came up with idea that shoes should have pointy toes, but I do know that it was a really dumb idea. When you are wearing shoes with pointy toes, you are essentially cramming your toes into a space that is about half the size your toes should occupy, jamming your toes together.

Not only is having your toes jammed into a pair of pointy toes incredibly uncomfortable, but it can also lead to health problems, in some cases severe ones.

The next time you go shopping for a new pair of shoes that are comfortable and fashionable, you want to look for a pair with either a square or round toe, and stay away from the pointy ones. When you try the shoes on, make sure your toes have ample room to move. You will be amazed at how much better you feel, when you make this very simple change.

When you are looking for a pair of comfortable and fashionable shoes, you should also look for shoes that have a sturdy sole, allow some air get to your feet, and don't have any seams that are going to rub against your skin. If you can't give up your high heels, you should at least make sure that heels are sturdy.

By Brent Archer

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